
Friday, December 12, 2008

Taking the road less traveled....

It is time we sought to take a road less traveled when it comes to recreating and reharmonizing our society. Time to move from 2 to 3 (or 4) dimensional thinking in addressing the issues before us. I am embarking upon a thought journey over the next several weeks, seeking to explore how we can jump our society from this well-worn and rutted path we are currently caught within, to that path which lies off yonder. There are many visions out there for the future, many of them quite beautiful. My aim is not to throw out another beautiful ending, where the prince finally catches the other prince, they fall in love, and yes... get married.... and live happily ever after... nay, nay... I, with all of my mid-west farmboy pragmatism will rather focus on the here, the now, and how can we make the jump to there.... considering where we are, who we are, and our current raison d'etre.

So I invite you all to travel alongside me while I explore the practical side of making a jump.... or shall we say taking a leap off a cliff?? But nay, that is exactly what we must avoid! It runs contrary to human nature to take leaps of faith... granted, when we do, the results are often miraculous, but I return to the pragmatic side of life, which is where we must start from...


Hey... is that a rabbit with a hat? why yes it is! its going down that hole... let's follow it!